From the CBC to the BBC

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Exchange Dinner

Last night we went to St. John's College for dinner. The people from St. John's had come to St. Catherine's last week, so they returned the favour with an invite. St. John's is the richest college at Oxford, unlike St. Catz, which as our Romanian roommate bluntly put it is "quite poor." St. John's has the most land in Oxford, and I read somewhere that you can walk all the way to Cambridge (which I assume is a ways away) on the property owned by the college. I forgot to take pictures, but the drawing should give an idea - it's big, old and really nice. The placemats at the formal dinner said something like 1555-2005 - Celebrating 450 years. Recent graduates include Tony Blair. That being said, the people weren't stuffy at all, unlike the Christ Church wankers who walk around with their Christ Church skarves and the "I go to the Harry Potter college attitude." This wasn't at St. John's possibly because there were no British people - everyone there was Canadian... seriously, it's like they stuck them all at one college. So far I've met people from 6 provinces, so that pretty much covers most of the country (there's even a Newfie here). I'm starting to wonder if there are any Europeans that go here anymore.