From the CBC to the BBC

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Jews for Jesus

I met my tutor for my tutorial in Public International Law yesterday. He's a fellow at Jesus College (that's me at Jesus on the right). He's also extremely foreign (he's from Georgia - the one in Eastern Europe). So it's going to be fun learning from him, and especially immitating his accent.

We got our reading list, and it doesn't appear too bad at first glance, although I seen to be coming in mid-way through a full year course, so I think I'm getting the condensed version.

After our little half hour meeting I went exploring again, and found more stuff that seemed old and worth taking pictures of. New College has a replica of the bridge of sighs in Venice. I was going to try to take a picture from the inside, but I couldn't quite figure out how to get in.

The nice thing is with my Oxford ID, I'm able to get in a lot of places that normal tourists probably aren't allowed to go.

I went to Christ Church, where I think Harry Potter was filmed.

But the real nice place was Magdellan College. It has a huge expanse of land with a deer park and incredibile buildings, cathedral and quads.